Thank you for your interest in becoming a Big!
Youth mentoring is more important now than ever as COVID-19 continually changes life for our community. Thousands of our volunteer Bigs are connecting with their Littles online, bringing joy and levity into a challenging time for many vulnerable families.
We’re currently enrolling and interviewing all prospective Bigs online so you can start your journey to defending the potential of a child today. It could be the most rewarding thing you’ve done. Once enrolled, we’ll match you with your Little virtually so you can begin connecting online!
Read below to find out which of our programs is the right fit for you!
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Which program is the best fit for you?
School/Site Based
Mentor 2.0
This is our traditional match in which adult mentors are paired with children ages 7-12, and agree to see each other for three hours, a couple of times a month. Each match is hand-selected by our team based on shared interests, geography and personality. Bigs and Littles plan their own outings filled with things they enjoy doing, like sports, going to the beach or listening to music.
Learn More About Community Based Programs
Volunteers are matched one to one with youth and meet together approximately once a week at a particular site at scheduled times. We work collaboratively with local schools, after school programs and other sites (The West End Boys and Girls Club, for example) to match youth with adult volunteers.
Learn More About School/Site Based Programs
In areas where we aren't able to match as many youth as we would like to because the child's home is not easily accessible by public transportation, we work with colleges to bring kids to the local campus. In this program, youth are matched with college students and spend time together on campus typically on Saturdays.
Learn More About Campus Based Programs
It's easier than ever to become a mentor. Mentor2.0 is Big Brothers Big Sisters’ technology-enriched one-to-one youth mentoring program directly targeting high school students. Mentor-mentee pairs build their relationships through weekly online communication and monthly in-person meetings.
Learn More About Mentor 2.0 Based Programs
They Love Our Programs, You Will Too!