BBBSEM Social Distancing Guidelines | UPDATED 10/4/2022
BBBSEM (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts) continues to encourage all match participants to be aware of CDC guidance and act accordingly. Here is some vital information that you should be aware of:
- BBBSEM (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts) program occurs in many school systems and shared public settings. If you are meeting with your Little in a site-setting, please be aware of that school or site’s safety and/or mask requirements. We expect that our mentors will act as role models by adhering to safety standards and promoting community health in their decisions.
- We expect that all BBBSEM matches continue to have conversations about safety on an ongoing basis. Mentors, mentees and guardians should have an intentional conversation on (1) mask wearing and (2) comfort in the potential locations that a match may visit. We ask that all matched parties engage in these conversations with respect and patience as we adjust to new norms.
- If, for any reason, you would like assistance in having conversations about COVID-19 specific transitions, your Match Advocate is here to support your match through the complications of these times. Please reach out to us. We are eager to support you.
- Per the CDC, vaccines continue to be the most effective methods for preventing the spread of COVID-19 and protecting each other from serious illness. BBBSEM strongly encourages all who are eligible to be vaccinated, including receiving a booster shot when eligible. Reach out to BBBSEM and our team if you would like resources and/or guidance on accessing vaccination sites.
The BBBSEM team is proud to partner with you in helping our communities stay safe and supplying opportunities so that our youth will thrive.
Free Fact Sheet
10 Things for Parents to Know
Children s safety is our number one priority; throughout the duration of the match, not just the beginning!