4 Favorite Mentoring Moments From 4 School-Based Matches
We never talk enough about our awesome School-Based Programs! Instead of going out in the community every time they hang out, our Bigs and Littles meet during the school day, often during lunch every week, taking a break in the summers. It may sound obvious, but sometimes the best place to help a child realize their potential is at school and the kids really enjoy having their Bigs meet with them there, whether its in the classroom or on the playground.
As unique as this program is for our matches, the bond that they share together at school is certainly something to be proud of. To celebrate these friendships, we thought it would be awesome to share some of our favorite moments from some special school-based matches.
“My favorite memory with Dubois is probably when we first met and he told me that he liked basketball and Pokemon, which were probably my two biggest interests when I was his age too.” – Big Brother Jacob Forchheimer
“One of my favorite memories was when we were having lunch in the library one day. Out of nowhere, he pulled a card out of his pocket and handed it to me. I opened it and it was a birthday card and a Starbucks gift card since I had just turned 21. I couldn’t believe he remembered and it was a really nice gift.” – Big Brother Mike Corcoran
“My favorite memory with my Little was making an obstacle course. He always reminds me to be a little kid and enjoy life and not be uptight about things.” – Big Brother Jared Kortsen
“My favorite memory would have to be the time when my Little spoke to me about girls and having a girlfriend. It was really funny to watch him blush, laugh, and totally blow it off.” – Big Brother Jaiwon Martin
Children s safety is our number one priority; throughout the duration of the match, not just the beginning!