This is our traditional match in which adult mentors are paired with children ages 7-12, and agree to see each other for three hours, a couple of times a month. Each match is hand-selected by our team based on shared interests, geography and personality. Bigs and Littles plan their own outings filled with things they enjoy doing, like sports, going to the beach or listening to music.
Learn More About Community Based Programs
If you aren’t already familiar with our mentoring program options, check out below to learn more about them. Every program is professionally supported by BBBSEM staff throughout the duration of your match. That means you’ll have a designated BBBSEM staff member who will check in and can be accessible to you if you have any questions or concerns.
- One-to-one BPS high school mentoring program to help prepare students for post-high school plans (college and career readiness)
- You’ll be matched with a high schooler from grade 9-12
- 2 school year commitment minimum (you can go longer!) – the program runs just during the school year (Sept-June) and is part of the school curriculum
- Weekly online communications and monthly face to face workshops (virtually during the pandemic)
- This is our traditional 1-1 mentoring program. You will be paired with a child between 7-12 who you will mentor while doing fun activities together that you’ll choose together. Activities like bowling, cooking, crafts, playing sports, going to museums… you decide! You’ll make a big impact by helping your Little build confidence and social and emotional competence, all while having fun.
- You will meet with your mentee twice a month for a minimum of a 1 year commitment with the option to continue longer (many do!)
- Flexibility to choose when you have your bi-monthly outings after coordinating with your Little’s guardian. Meet on Saturdays if that works best, or meet after school during the week!
- We offer different program options for college students looking to mentor. Please select collegiate mentoring to the right from the drop down to learn more.
Big Futures Mentoring
It's easier than ever to become a mentor. Big Futures Mentoring is Big Brothers Big Sisters’ technology-enriched one-to-one youth mentoring program directly targeting high school students. Mentor-mentee pairs build their relationships through weekly online communication and monthly in-person meetings.
Learn More About Big Futures Mentoring Program