Virtual Match Highlight: Meet Morgan and Aliyah!
In the midst of COVID-19, it is more important than ever to stay connected with the people surrounding you. We want to highlight a BBBS match that has really committed time to each other and strived virtually. You can stay connected too!
“BC BIGS gives BC students a chance to serve as mentors to young people in Boston. It’s a great way to get involved in the Boston community, make a difference in a young person’s life, and meet other BC students who share similar passions.”
Let’s chat with Little Sister, Aliyah, first!
What do you love most about having a Big Sister?
“If I didn’t have a Big Sister, every day would be the same. On Thursdays I get to do different stuff rather than going to [my teacher’s] room and using the chrome book.”
What is your favorite thing about Morgan?
“I love that Morgan is always up for doing whatever we have planned for that day. Sock puppets are our favorite. You stuff them with foam and we put googly eyes and pom-poms on them. Sometimes we do mix-match socks and holiday themed ones. We try to make some creative animals too – one I did was a watermelon lion.”
How has Morgan made a positive impact on your life?
“I get to learn and try new stuff when I’m around [Morgan]. I never would have thought of making sock puppets. It feels like we’ve known each other for more than three years.”
Is there something Morgan has taught you about your college or your future?
“Morgan told me about her summer job helping people with cancer. She tells me about some of her classes and one where she learned about people’s brains. I could take animal biology when I’m older!” (Aliyah wants to be a veterinarian when she grows up!)
Describe a fun activity you did virtually with Morgan.
“We play Tic-Tac-Toe and Hangman. I just beat Morgan with the word ‘physical education’. Morgan does hard words sometimes, like ‘Boston’ or ‘exit’. Who would ever guess those words?”
Now, let’s chat with Big Sister, and Boston College senior, Morgan!
Why did you first become involved with BC Bigs?
“Coming into Boston College I always knew I wanted to become involved with Big Brothers Big Sisters. My mom had a Little Sister in college and she would always tell me about all of their experiences together, and now, after 30 years of friendship, we receive Christmas cards from her Little Sister each year to stay in touch. Having been matched with Aliyah since October 2017, I now know how many positive impacts a BBBS match can have and how these impacts go both ways and I am so excited to continue growing this amazing friendship we have.”
What is your favorite thing about Aliyah?
“She always has a positive attitude about trying new things. At her school they have different language classes and Aliyah always tries new ones, even if she doesn’t like them very much (like Mandarin, she doesn’t really like that). She is such a good sport and always has a smile on her face. I love laughing with [Aliyah] and playing new games.
How often do you meet virtually?
“Since quarantine has started we have been trying to FaceTime every Thursday – I always visited every Thursday at [Aliyah’s school] and getting to keep this time together is so nice.”
What are some activities you have done virtually?
“We have had fun on FaceTime showing each other our pets at home (we both have cats). Last week we started doing Hangman which we have had so much fun trying to come up with tricky words to trip each other up (Aliyah beat me with the word ‘fuzzy’). In addition to weekly FaceTimes, Aliyah and I have been sending each other letters! I’ve been able to send over friendship bracelets I’ve made and Aliyah has been able to show me some of her drawings and cartoons she has been working on.”
Why is staying connected virtually important for your relationship?
“Since we both treasure our time every week throughout the school year, we both knew that we wanted to be able to continue seeing each other virtually while continuing school at home. Getting to share our weeks and sharing fun activities we have been up to while in quarantine has brought so much light and joy into my week and I know we are both so excited to talk each week. We both joke that now whenever we FaceTime, our 1.5 hour calls feel like only 15 minutes.”
What advice would you give to college students interested in joining BC Bigs?
“Seeing Aliyah every week at [her school] has been a highlight of my week since my Freshman year. The positivity and light I think that we have mutually been able to share with each other is something I will always treasure and I am so thankful that even in the midst of this pandemic we are still able to talk, laugh, and play games. For any college student that is interested in becoming a Big Sister or Brother, I highly recommend joining the BBBS community. Through extensive matching interviews and consistent match support, you are constantly provided with the resources you need to help be the best role model you can be for your Little Sister/Brother and how you can grow your relationship over the years.
I met Aliyah when she was in 2nd grade. Next year she will be graduating elementary school and I will be graduating from Boston College. I have watched over the past 3 years as we have both grown in different ways, but also together. Aliyah and I have shared our favorite stories (we love telling embarrassing stories), created brand new arts and crafts each year (our favorite is sock puppet animals), and gotten to know each other’s friends and family. I am so lucky to have gotten to be a part of Aliyah’s life through this program and I am so excited to see how our friendship continues to grow in the many years to come.”
If you’re interested in becoming a Big in the BBBS college program, now is the time! We are virtually enrolling and matching volunteers for the upcoming school year. During these unprecedented times, our mission to serve the Littles on our waiting list is more important now than ever.
Visit www.collegebigs.org to apply today! If you have any additional questions, feel free to reach out to rcox@emassbigs.org.
For more information on becoming a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters, visit emassbigs.org.
Children s safety is our number one priority; throughout the duration of the match, not just the beginning!