Let’s Give Julian the Best Gift – A Big Brother!
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Cape Cod & the Islands is making a real difference in the lives of more than 300 youth on the Cape and Martha’s Vineyard. With more than 100 children waiting for mentors, there is a continued need for caring adult volunteers.
One waiting Little has waited longer than most. LET’S MEET JULIAN!
Julian is 8 years old and lives in Centerville. A shortage of volunteers on the mid-cape has left him on the waiting list for over a year and a half. Julian is thoughtful, creative and caring. The best thing about getting a Big Brother would be “to have somebody to play with”, says Julian. He also enjoys playing video games, arts and crafts, bike riding, and learning new sports. He most recently received a Titanic model kit from his grandma he hopes his Big Brother will help him put together. Julian would benefit from a Big Brother and having an additional, positive adult in his life to help boost his confidence and help him explore new interests.
There are many other kids like Julian throughout the Cape and Martha’s Vineyard who are waiting to be matched with a Big Brother or Big Sister. If you are interested in learning more about how to become a mentor, visit our website HERE. Please consider sharing Julian’s story to help him and other kids on the wait list find a Big!
Children s safety is our number one priority; throughout the duration of the match, not just the beginning!