7 Activities for New Matches
Deciding what to do with your Little for your first outing can be difficult! We asked a couple of our Match Advocates what they suggest to new Bigs, and the ‘big’ takeaway was to keep things familiar, low key and comfortable so you can get to know each other. Take a look at the list we comprised (thanks to Match Support!) and feel free to add any other ideas in the comment section below!
1. Take a Tour of Your Little’s Neighborhood
This will help you get a better sense of where your Little lives and an opportunity to learn more about what they like to do on their stomping grounds. Have them lead you to their favorite park or pizza shop. You’ll also be able to familiarize yourself with the neighborhood you’ll be visiting before and after your outings.
2. Take a Tour of Your Neighborhood
Bring your Little to your neck of the woods and show them your favorite place to grab a bite to eat or sit down with a good book. Helping your Little learn more about you is just as important as you learning more about them.
3. Make a Bucket List of Things You Want to do Together
Create a list of all the things you two want to do together and see how many you can cross of the list by the end of the year. This doesn’t need to be a list that you follow to a tee, but it’s a great way to keep track of all the awesome things you do together and can serve as a brainstorming session for potential future outings!
4. Visit Their Local YMCA or Youth Center
Stay local and burn some energy at their neighborhood YMCA or youth center. You’ll have access to lots of sports equipment and there are usually other kids from their community there that you guys can invite to play with you.
See: 10 Free Things to Do in Boston This Summer
5. Go to a Grocery Store for a Small Picnic
Grab some cold cuts, chips, a few drinks and make your way down to a nearby park for a mini picnic. Look up a few creative sandwich recipes online and try making them together for a tasty-filled outing.
6. Learn About Your Little’s Hobbies
See if your Little has any special hobbies or interests and do an outing around it. This establishes that you really care about their interests and want to get to know them better. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant. Simply making an attempt to understand them and learn about their hobby will go a long way!
7. Experience Something New Together
Pick something that neither of you have ever done before—rock climbing, doing arts and crafts, eating foods from other regions, trying yoga, etc.—and take it on together. As a Big you might feel compelled to appear as an expert on all things to your Little, but trying something new together can teach your Little to embrace new things with a positive attitude.
Children s safety is our number one priority; throughout the duration of the match, not just the beginning!