7 Ways to Talk to Your Little About the U.S. Election
The election is over. And although we may have a mixture of emotions, we can not let our differences define us. More than ever, programs like BBBSMB are what continue to bring us together. We must be able to move forward together as a country. Many Bigs have been asked by their Littles how this will impact them. As a response, we provide ways to talk to your Little about any confusion they may have and how you can best support them.
1) Settle your emotions
It’s no secret that this entire election process—especially this past week—has been filled with high emotions throughout every day life and social media. Try not to let your emotions get the best of you in any public forum and make sure those emotions do NOT spill over to your Little. This will only scare them more about what their future may hold.
2) Remind them about the Democratic Process
The election cycle is traditionally a very exciting time. Everyone gets a voice, everyone gets a vote, and every vote counts. In the end though, only one candidate can be selected. No matter what our beliefs are, we must respect the decisions of the voters and the electoral college, no matter how disappointed we are.
3) We have to come together as a country now more than ever
In this day and age especially, we must be able and willing to come together as people. There is no sense in fighting with one another. We must put aside any differences and realize we are all people at heart. Even Mr. Trump himself has called for unity as a country and has promised to work with everyone, including those who opposed him.
4) The President is not in office forever
Thanks again to our democratic process, Mr. Trump is only guaranteed 4 years in the White House. At this point, we have to give him the benefit of the doubt and wait to see what he has to offer and how he will lead this country forward. Come 2020, we will be able to see how we feel and decide on electing a new president.
5) We MUST tolerate others with a different point of view
In a democracy we are all entitled to our own point of view. With that, we also have to be able to be tolerant of others with a different point of view. Listen to those who think differently from you and seek first to understand where they’re coming from. If you still disagree with them, do so respectfully.
6) Despite what happens, we will fight for what is right for our country
While we honor the outcome of this election and our democratic process, we will not continue to stand for any form of bullying, bigotry, sexism, etc. These are not American values, and will not be tolerated in school, at work, in neighborhoods, anywhere in this country.
7) Use this is an opportunity to volunteer in the community
Whether you like the outcome of the election or not, this is a perfect opportunity to come together as a community and volunteer for issues we care about. As a matter of fact, Our great city of Boston has already shown their sense of unity as BBBSMB received 50 inquiries to volunteer within the 24 hours following the election. Be a part of this movement to unify our community and become a Big Brother today!
Children s safety is our number one priority; throughout the duration of the match, not just the beginning!