10 Things To Know About Finding a Mentor for Your Child
When it comes to finding a mentor for your child, questions are inevitable. How does the program work? What is my role as a guardian? To answer these frequently asked questions and to soothe any other nerves, we made a list of quick and easy bits of information for parents and guardians considering getting a Big for their child. Rest assured, we’re here to help!
1. Child safety is our number one priority; throughout the duration of the match, not just the beginning! Each volunteer is carefully screened through extensive background checks, references, and an in-depth personal interview before meeting your child.
2. There’s no cost to you. Our Program is 100% donor supported which means there is no cost to you and we encourage volunteers to participate in activities that are little to no cost (playing basketball at the park, sightseeing, riding bikes, or simply grabbing a slice of pizza!). All we ask for is your cooperation, feedback, and support of your child’s involvement.
3. Getting your child a “Big” helps promote their healthy development! Studies show that having a Big can help your child develop the skills to succeed in school and life.
4. Bigs are really great people! Seriously, they’re awesome. Our volunteers give their free time to get to know your child and be a friend with a positive influence!
5. The program is tailored to your family and your needs. We don’t just match you with the next volunteer in line. We talk to you and your child to find out what kind of volunteer you’d like to have! This helps ensure your friendship is poised for success.
6. With over 60 years of experience, Big Brothers Big Sisters of Mass Bay is an organization you can trust! We currently serve over 2,200 kids in the Greater Boston community—enrolling children ages 7-12—and have a proven track record of encouraging youth empowerment through our innovative, safe, and effective programs.
7. Our professionally trained staff are there to assist you and your child’s Big, working together to support the match and your child’s progression every step of the way. We plan scheduled calls to check in to see how the friendship is going and answer any questions you may have.
8. We make the matching process easy by coming to your home at a time that’s convenient for you. We know you’re busy and do everything in our power to work around your schedule.
9. We ask that Bigs commit to meet with your child for a few hours at least twice a month for a minimum of one year. On average matches stay connected for over three years and we want to ensure that Bigs and Littles have enough time to form a genuine friendship.
10. As a parent or guardian, you are a part of the process from start to finish. We work together to ensure that your child gets the quality mentor and experience they deserve. You’re doing an amazing job and we want to help your child on their path to success!
Children s safety is our number one priority; throughout the duration of the match, not just the beginning!