Letter From Match Support: Thank You Bigs
When we read the news, it’s hard not to get overwhelmed by the problems of our community. In the following blog post, inspired by VP of External Relations, Rich Greif’s article concerning the dire need for male mentors, Jessica Witenstein-Weaver, a Match Advocate here at BBBSMB, acknowledges these fears. She talks about how being a part of the process truly does make a difference while thanking those volunteers who make it possible every day.
“Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay is compelled to achieve its mission by a significant vision–to strengthen communities by helping children reach their full potential. That’s why I joined the team. Yet, everyday when I read the newspaper and recurrent struggles of under-resourced communities is rampant, disillusionment challenges my optimism.
However, taking action turns what disillusions us into a propellent. At BBBSMB, we organize people who are committed to chipping away at the problems that face our under-resourced communities through mentorship. Working together, we strategize how to overcome these hurdles.
As a member of the match support team, through my conversations with parents, guardians, Littles, and Bigs, I hear examples of how we actively influence the status quo. I hear examples of Bigs providing traction for our Littles. How they are enhancing their resilience. How they are digging around until they find out what makes each Little feel excited, industrious, and in the flow.
The power of matches is reflected through our conversations. I am reminded time and again that camaraderie is supportive, enriching, and elevating. My deepest gratitude and awe goes out to our matches for reflecting, expressing, and gaining insights with us. Our Bigs are the ultimate doers. They consistently approach their role with an open mind, a generous heart, creativity, and tenacity.
Thank you to:
The Bigs that encourage their Littles to the top of the rock climbing wall to give them a sense of achievement.
The Bigs who reach out to see if they can get donated Bruins, Celtics, and Red Sox tickets from BBBSMB because they know their Littles would be thrilled to be in the middle of the action.
The Bigs who reinforce and empower their Littles to give back by taking them on volunteer outings.
The Bigs who make scavenger hunts around town for their Littles so that they can explore their town in a different light.
The Bigs who takes their Littles to a butterfly house so that they can experience the joy of one landing on them.
The Bigs who intentionally add seasonal traditions to their Littles’ lives, be it apple picking, pumpkin carving, or holiday meals.
The Big who takes their Little to the Nutcracker and is inspired by the intensity of their Little’s fascination in the performance.
The Big who brings the 3-in-1 lego set over to his Little’s house and stays until all three have been jointly built.
The Big who creates an art project with his Little so that the Little can feel the happy and satisfying sense of giving a gift to his mother.
The Big who creates baseball games with his Little that keep them occupied for hours and have them honing their game commentary skills.
The Big who visits his Little regularly when they are now living in temporary housing; showing them unconditional friendship and just how worthwhile they are.
The Big who writes a goodbye letter that not only mentions their appreciation of the time they spent together, but also prepares the Little for some of life’s bigger challenges.
The Bigs who ask the parents & guardians for advice so that they can understand their Littles even more.
The Bigs who know that the simplest pleasures are sometimes the most meaningful and embrace a walk in the park, a toss of a ball, an ice cream cone, or a shared laugh.
The Bigs who show their Littles time and again, that they are here for the harder stuff too.
Thank you for making our vision possible Bigs. Thank you for bravely adding your energy and purpose to taking on the challenges of the under-resourced. Together, our efforts triumph disillusionment.”
Children s safety is our number one priority; throughout the duration of the match, not just the beginning!