Support your child.
When it comes to the future of your children and the well-being of our communities, we’re all in this together. So it should come as no surprise that we need the parents and guardians of Littles to be involved every step of the way. Parents and guardians will be given frequent check-ins, inclusion in every aspect of the match, and respect.
When applying, not only will you provide information about your child’s strengths and needs, but you’ll also approve the selection of the Big Brother or Big Sister. Once matched, you will remain closely involved in many ways, including:
- Approving activities and outings for your child and their Big
- Reporting your child’s progress and milestones to the agency on a regular basis (Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts will contact you, but we welcome your feedback any time)
- Asking your child questions about those outings, and sharing what you learn with the agency staff
- Participating in training on child safety offered by Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts staff, and communicating with your child about the training he or she receives
At no time in our enrollment, matching, or support processes do we ask families about their or their child’s immigration status. Therefore we do not gather information that we could or would pass on to any other agencies about this status in your life.
If you or anyone in your match chooses to share this information with us, that may be recorded in our match notes as part of our regular match support process. Match information in our match records is confidential to our agency, as per our confidentiality policy, and would only be shared externally in the event we are subpoenaed.
En ningún momento durante nuestros procesos de inscripción, emparejamiento, o apoyo preguntamos a las familias sobre su estado migratorio o el de sus hijos/as. Por lo tanto, no recopilamos información que podamos entregar a otras agencias sobre este estado en su vida.
Si usted o alguien en su emparejamiento elige compartir esta información con nosotros, la información compartida registrada en nuestras notas de emparejamiento como parte de nuestro proceso regular de apoyo. La información de emparejamiento en nuestros registros es confidencial para nuestra agencia, de acuerdo con nuestra política de confidencialidad, y solo sería compartida externamente en el caso de ser citados.
Download this essential fact sheet for activity ideas that will help you and your Little get to know each other!