Annual Report FY14

Annual Report FY14


What We Do

Our program matches children who need an adult mentor and friend in long-lasting 1-to-1 relationships with volunteers who are professionally screened, trained and supported. We are serious about our data and encourage you to study the evidence of our impact. We also hope you’ll spend some time getting to know Big Brother Jake and his Little Brother Brandol and what they have to say about us:

“Becoming a Big Brother has not only changed Brandol’s life, but my own as well. It’s impacted the way I behave, the decisions I make and the person I desire to be.”

Read more about Jake and Brandol’s story here.






Who we Serve:



How We Get It Done:


Where We’re Going:

With FY15 in full swing, BBBSMB continues to make successful progress toward our 5 Year Growth Plan goals. Check out some of our goals we’re tracking towards by FY18.

  • Increase the annual number of children served by more than 56% by 2018 and increase the annual number of new matches by 84%.
  • Maintain and deepen our current nation-leading quality results and high-impact outcomes.
  • Continue to increase annual fundraising revenue by 64% over 5 years.
  • Build on the success of our Family Fund; attract new donors and advance towards a sustainable, diversified funding model.
  • Build a scalable volunteer recruitment engine.

FY15 has already seen some fantastic successes:


Big Night 2015

Setting our sights higher with Big Night 2015 featuring the Goo Goo Dolls and Shaggy!

New Partner Breakfast

We can’t thank our partners enough for their support. This year, we’re awarding those players who go above and beyond.

Being Big Blog

With the launch of our NEW Being Big Blog, we’re providing support and sharing inspiring stories better than ever.





QuoteWendy and Jeff Letter with headshots