Big Futures Mentoring Program

(Previously Mentor 2.o)

It’s easier than ever to be a Big!

Did you know that Boston Public School graduates from low-income households made less than $35,000 on average five years after graduation? Big Futures Mentoring is the solution.

Apply to be a Mentor

Sign up your child (Revere HS)

Sign up your child (Quincy HS)

Sign up your child (Edward M Kennedy HS)

Sign up your child (Madison Park HS)

What is Big Futures Mentoring?

Big Futures Mentoring supports high-school students to thrive in high school and succeed on any post-secondary path with mentorship from trusted mentors like you and transformative experiences provided by our community partners. Big Futures makes it easier than ever to become a Big through a more flexible commitment! Text or chat with your mentee weekly and meet in-person monthly at experiential learning events. We work with Revere High School in Revere, Quincy High School in Quincy, the Edward Kennedy Academy of Health Careers in Fenway, and Madison Park Technical Vocational High School in the South End.

How it works:

  • Students will attend a weekly class taught by a BBBSEM program coordinator embedded in the school
  • Students and their mentors will communicate once a week through text or other chat applications
  • Pairs will also meet in-person once a month for two hours. Events will usually take place on a weeknight after work.

Apply to be a Mentor

The Results:

  • Over 10,000 students are participating in this program across the country including through 13 Big Brothers Big Sisters affiliates.
  • 97% of Big Futures students completed college applications; 88% expect to earn a college degree;
  • 93% say their mentor is someone they trust and depend on.
  • Students are more likely than their peers who are not in the program to enroll in college (75% vs. 50%) and once in college are more likely to persist into their sophomore year (83% vs. 50%).

  1. Be a Big! We are now recruiting mentors for the class of 9th graders this fall. You can be that personal champion to help a student on their journey to thrive in and beyond high school, whatever their path may be.
  2. Help us recruit volunteers at your company or a group you are a part of. We’d like to conduct a 30-minute information session at your office or with a group you are part of. Please fill out the form at and select “Requesting an Info Session”.
  3. Invite your employees/associates/friends to learn more about the program. Share this page!