Farewell From Our Departing CEO, Wendy Foster
Dear BBBS of Eastern Massachusetts Family,
Today is my last day as your CEO, and my heart is full of emotion. It has been my greatest privilege and honor to be part of the Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts (BBBSEM) community these past almost 15 years. I have never loved an organization or a role more. I know I will look back on my experience at BBBSEM as the highlight of my professional career.
It was bittersweet for me to realize that it was time for my next adventure, but all of us are just temporary stewards of this great organization and its mission. I am especially conscious of that with our 70th anniversary celebration at our inaugural Bigger Together Bash fresh in my mind. We stand on the shoulders of so many before us who nurtured and grew this organization. I am proud of how far we have come together; we made BBBSEM stronger, more sustainable and more impactful on our watch, and the kids and our community are better for it.
But there is so much yet to do. And the pandemic, with its social isolation, economic disruption and the horror and injustice of systemic racism it has laid bare, is a new call to arms. Big Brothers Big Sisters is needed now more than ever.
That is why I am so excited for the fresh energy and vision of your new CEO, Mark O’Donnell. We would not be where we are today without Mark’s impact over the past nine years; and there is no better person to take the helm at this time of great uncertainty and great need. With Mark’s leadership, and with all of you, I know the best lies ahead!
There aren’t words to adequately express my feelings so I will just say thank you — for your support, for your friendship and for all you taught me. I have been so fortunate to work with all of you – our staff, Board, parents and guardians, Bigs, Littles, donors, partners, ambassadors, advisors and advocates – and to be a Big through BBBSEM. You are truly the finest people I have ever met.
The love in our BBBSEM community and the collective passion to defend the potential of our youth will continue to inspire me every day, and I look forward to cheering you on! Now onward!
With gratitude,
Children s safety is our number one priority; throughout the duration of the match, not just the beginning!