Meet Our Waiting Littles of the Month: Jenser and “L”!
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Massachusetts Bay is making a real difference in the lives of over 3,200 children in eastern Massachusetts. We have nearly 200 children waiting for mentors (Bigs) in Roslindale, Jamaica Plain and surrounding towns just like Jenser and “L” featured below. There is a continued need for caring adult volunteers, specifically male volunteers in this area and you can help!
“L” and Jenser are two of the many waiting Littles eager to find a Big Brother!
Personality: Jenser is a positive kid who loves his family and friends. He is patient, enjoys talking with others, is an active listener, and gets along with everyone.
Personalidad: Jenser es un chico positive que le quiere a su familia tanto. Jesner es paciente, empático, escucha bien, y le encanta conocer a otras personas.
Interests: Jenser loves to play video games (especially WWE). He loves watching wrestling and his favorite wrestler is John Cena! He also really enjoys swimming, and occasionally enjoys arts and crafts.
Intereses: Jenser le gusta jugar video juegos, especialmente WWE porque le encanta mirar la lucha. También, Jenser siempre le gusta aprender cómo hacer nuevas actividades.
Things You Could Do Together: Go swimming together, work on an art project (such as slime!), and learn about a new WWE wrestler together.
Actividades que podrían hacer juntos: Nadar, trabajar juntos en un proyecto de arte, aprender de un nuevo luchador de WWE juntos.
Why He Needs a Big: Jenser needs a Big so he has more opportunities to get out of the house and try different things. Jenser loves trying new activities and just wants someone to spend time with.
Por qué necesita un Big Brother: Jenser necesita a un Big para que tenga más oportunidades salir de la casa y probar nuevas actividades. Jenser le encante aprender cómo hacer nuevas cosas y quiere alguien con quien él puede pasar tiempo.
Best Fit: A spanish-speaking Big who likes hanging out and talking, is open to learning more about WWE, and has an interest in exploring new activities around the city with Jenser.
Un Big Brother Óptimo: Un Big que hable español, quien quiera crear un ambiente en que Jenser puede compartir de su vida, aprender de WWE y explorar nuevas actividades por varias partes de la cuidad.
Personality: “L” is a goofball who loves to tell jokes. He is shy at first but he opens up over time when talking about his interests, of which he has many!
Personalidad: L es una bromista a quien le encanta contar chistes. Es tímido al conocerle pero se abre más con tiempo si conversas con él sobre sus intereses – y tiene muchos!
Interests: “L” loves animals – especially dogs, nature, the Discovery Channel, and Animal Planet. He also likes mythical creatures, sports, cars, Monster Trucks, motorcycles, football, basketball, baseball, pizza, and painting.
Intereses: A L le encantan los animales (en particular los perros), la naturaleza, el Discovery Channel, y Animal Planet. También le gustan los seres míticos, deportes, carros, Monster Trucks, motocicletas, fútbol americano, básquetbol, béisbol, comer pizza, y pintar.
Things You Could Do Together: Visit the zoo, go for a walk and collect interesting treasures, design your own mythical creatures, monster trucks, play catch.
Actividades que podrían hacer juntos: Visitar el zoológico, dar un paseo en la naturaleza y coleccionar “tesoros” interesantes, diseñar sus propios seres míticos o Monster Trucks, jugar deportes.
Why He Needs a Big: “L” needs a Big Brother to serve as a positive male role model in his first year of middle school as he further explores his interests and discovers who he is.
Por qué necesita un Big Brother: L necesita un Big Brother para servir como un ejemplar masculino positivo durante el sexto grado en una nueva escuela, y mientras él explora sus intereses y descubre quien es.
Best Fit: An active Big who will be consistent and follow through with his word, who is willing to indulge “L”‘s natural curiosity and try new activities together!
Un Big Brother Óptimo: Una persona activa quien será consistente y cumplir con sus promesas, y quien está dispuesto a alentar la curiosidad natural de L e intentar nuevas actividades juntos!
There are many other kids like “L”and Jenser throughout eastern Massachusetts who are waiting to be matched with a Big Brother or Big Sister. If you are interested in learning more about how to become a mentor, visit our website HERE. We hope you’ll also consider sharing their stories to help Jenser and “L” and other kids on the wait list find a Big!
Children s safety is our number one priority; throughout the duration of the match, not just the beginning!